For those who can't keep their mouth shut...even when their foot is out of it.
Published on January 23, 2005 By Heydre In Welcome
Well here goes nothing. With all the things I already have going in my life, starting this blog is not advisable but who am I to follow good advice.

I've enjoyed the controversy, vitriol, and thoughtful(less)ness of posters here. A cornerstone, if not keystone, of this site is Draginol and I would like to commend him for his hard work and insight (not to leave out those behind the scenes who remain nameless).

It is my hope that I can add to what it is that is making JoeUser so . I fear not the taste of shoe leather nor the bitter taste of hypocrisy as I carelessly violate my self imposed Kyoto Protocol to add to the data smog of the Internet.

Just remember that seeing is NOT always believing and con/text, when massaged correctly, can be just as deceptive.

In other words, on this Field of Dreams , print it and they will come.

on Jan 23, 2005
Love the title of your blog too.
on Jan 26, 2005
Thanks Geez....appreciate it.